charri atoel
viera (clanless)
he / they / ey

i won't be afraid.

One year ago, four adventurers with no history appeared in Eorzea. Charri was one of them, having woken up in the Black Shroud after a strange dream, with his body radically altered and only underclothes covering him. A passing merchant took pity on him, assuming he had been waylaid by bandits, and gave him some clothes and supplies, then led him along the way to Gridania. Once there, Charri took up conjury for some time as he tried to gather his bearings; becoming an adventurer seemed the natural step if he was to have freedom to travel and learn about his situation. A winding path led him to the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, and at the Waking Sands he met his dear friends once again.

Cato, now a Miqo'te, had taken up soumanoutics and thaumaturgy, going by the moniker 'The Professor' in this new world. Leon, now a Hrothgar, wanted to study magic alongside pugilism to cover all of his bases. Laven, a Viera, had little interest in the affairs of Eorzea, preferring instead to retreat into alchemical and botanical studies. And Charri, also a Viera, had trouble deciding; now that his disability's more debilitating effects had been reduced, he felt suddenly free to pursue anything, choosing to become a freelancer. The world opened its arms to each of them, urging them to explore to their hearts' content and find a freedom they didn't quite have in their previous lives.

The realm would need each of them in the coming days as the Ascians spread their machinations across Eorzea. The four would have to train hard, learn how to work as a team, and try not to die—too often—as they fought for Eorzea's salvation.

forge ahead.


Appearance: Clanless Viera (with superficial similarities to Veena) standing at 5'10 fm. with a lanky, soft body type, brown hair with pink highlights, a brown tail, and heterochromatic pink and brown eyes. He typically wears light clothing he can move easily in; even as a tank, plate armor is difficult for him to move around in and exacerbates his disability trying to put on, so he prefers just armoring the vitals and joints and leaving the rest of him free for movement.

Echo: Charri is gifted with the Echo, and in particular often receives visions of the past. These are usually triggered by someone nearby recalling a strong memory, but may be triggered by a strong aetheric signature, such as that an object or location may hold. His Echo also protects him from aetheric corruption.

Physical: Disabled with a chronic pain condition, and uses a giant aetheric wolfdog named Torgal as a mount to navigate big cities and the wilderness. He finds his burden far lighter than it had been in his previous body, though, and he uses conjury to alleviate the worst effects - but tends to ignore his own pain and exhaustion as a result.


Freelancer: As a Freelancer, Charri can use soul crystals (or 'job stones') to change his attributes and gain certain skills, even if he normally wouldn't be capable or competent in a certain class. The Job Stones he's currently in possession of are Paladin, White Mage, Samurai, and Pictomancer. When a soul crystal isn't equipped, his basic attributes are quite low, but he can draw on cross-class abilities from the different jobs he's learned the basics of and use them to augment his skills in battle. His equipment is aetherially-bound to him, so when he has a moment to breathe he can use magic to either equip or un-equip his gear and soul crystals. He wears his soul crystals around his neck when they're equipped, and keeps them in his bag when they're not.
     As a Paladin, Charri uses a sword and shield to keep his friends safe against a pack of enemies; as a White Mage, he can draw on the learnings of A-Towa-Cant to mend hurts and ease pain; as a Samurai, he uses Musosai's teachings to end battles against single targets quickly; and as a Pictomancer, he uses magic to express himself and entertain. He's attended some classes in other jobs with his friends - for instance, astrology, thaumaturgy, and arcanimia - but can only use their basic abilities (up to lv. 30).

Disciple of the Hand: He does a bit of crafting! He's not very good at smithing given the physical demands, but enjoys leatherworking, threadwork, and cooking.