asha iryut
dawn's cradle
she / her
rava viera
white mage
we must use every tool at our disposal.


A healer from an isolated clan of Viera in the Golmore Jungle, whose home was destroyed by the Garleans. Asha carries with her the burden of every young face she was helpless to save, their deaths beginning her journey to becoming an accomplished doctor and alchemist in Radz-at-Han. She journeyed to Eorzea with the alchemist Jalzahn as part of a joint research project, then joined the Conjurers' Guild in nearby Gridania to learn their healing arts. She joined Dawn's Cradle on her own initiative and mentors T'zhel in healing magic.
firere fire
no affiliation
she / her
faerie knight
beyond dusk lieth dawn; so too shall we endure.

the princess out of time

A princess of the ancient kingdom of Nym, put into a deep slumber within crystal to be awakened at the war's end... but the awakening only came when shocked researchers excavating her tomb thousands of years later freed her from her sleep. Despite the grief of losing her family, people, and nation, Firere remained optimistic about how she might make the best of her new life. She wears a Crystal of Light she was given as a teenager and fights alongside a faerie named Minerva.
hotaru uzuka
adventurers' guild
she / her
raen au ra
cnj / vpr
i'd only be slowing you down... are you sure?

in your footsteps

An adventurer from Aleport, licensed with the Adventurers' Guild of La Noscea to take up to Lv. 30 levequests. She idolizes the Warriors of Light who saved her family in the Calamity, and seeks to follow their example and try to make the world a better place. Her gift with the Echo allows her to resist mind tampering and Primal influence, as well as gain slight insight into others' skills, but physically, she's not a very talented combatant. In AUs where she's a Scion, Hotaru's gift grows quickly alongside the Warrior of Light and she takes up the Viper job to fight by their side.
he / him
you won't get anywhere being too scared to move.


[SHB spoilers follow.]

An Ancient employed as a teaching assistant at Akademia Anyder. Ostensibly, he researches complex intelligence in artificial creations, but based on the number of times he's been sent to work in Phytobiology as a punishment for impertinence, one would be forgiven for assuming he's a plantkeeper. He's restless by nature and travels far afield on his sabbaticals, often running into Azem on his trips abroad. His greatest joy in life is getting a rise out of his bosses, and he has a soft spot for familiars; the more intelligent they seem, the more interested he becomes.

ibuki kasanui
dawn's cradle
she / he
raen au ra
i'll kill your god if i have to. maybe even if i don't.

changing tides

Ibuki was born into ageless eternity at the bottom of the sea, serving as shrine maiden to a Dragon King in a castle town of leisure and peace. Despairing of her unchanging existence, she shed her divinity and sought a life on the surface. She studied under the wandering samurai Musosai until his death, then met Light, who offered her a place among Dawn's Cradle so she could test her edge against many kinds of opponents. Ibuki lives as a proud warrior, seeking out a death only a truly mighty opponent can give her.
jakka atiq
dawn's cradle
she / her
'lost' hrothgar
if i must fight, i'll fight for all i hold dear.


A warrior from a Coerthan clan, the youngest of five sisters, and a pilgrim on a journey to hone her spirit and skills. She was recruited to Dawn's Cradle after Ibuki, sensing a powerful opponent, attacked her in a busy market, where Jakka held her own for five full minutes until Ibuki forced a draw and offered her a place among their ranks. As an adventurer, Jakka seeks out powerful opponents to sharpen her claws against and weathered veterans to learn from, so that one day she might master all the techniques contained within her soul crystal and earn the right to add her own techniques to it.
khadagan dazkar
they / them
xaela au ra
the strong must seek out the strong to conquer.

iron hand

The Dazkar, though famed for their horseback archery, have no lack of other talent in their number. Khadagan has always been fond of wrestling, theirs a deft hand that strikes with the force of a baras; for three Naadam since their coming of age they've held their own against even seasoned wrestlers, but had yet to win the title. The fourth Naadam, they were awestruck by an outlander who fought under the Mol's banner. It was said the outlander gained such strength by traveling the breadth of the realm and fighting all sorts of challengers, men and monster alike - inspiring Khadagan to do the same.
light voyager
dawn's cradle
any pronouns
keeper of the moon
rune fencer
you're never alone. always remember that.

end of an era

The creator of the Dawn's Cradle free company who brought Hydaelyn's chosen Warriors of Light of this age together. They see a cataclysm looming on the horizon, and have taken it upon themself to gather heroes capable of combating this threat - and are willing to walk together with them unto the end. Their rune fencing art is a relic of a bygone era which combines twin blade sword arts with augmentative magic.

[ Patch 5.4 spoilers follow. ]

Light is the shard of, and has the memories of, an Ancient once named Euphrosyne and titled Azem. Euphrosyne was able to pass their memories on to a baby Miqo'te, either as a failsafe, or as a last hope. Though Euphrosyne and Light are different people, their fates are deeply intertwined, and personalities very alike, so much so that those who know Euphrosyne note a striking resemblance in Light. Light also possesses Euphrosyne's crystal, given to them by the shade of Hythlodaeus in Amaurot.

Maroile Valeriant
dawn's cradle
he / him
wildwood elezen
we'll chase you to the corners of the map if we must.

corpse dancer

A Garlean deserter given new lease on life by the Lemures, who taught him to fill the emptiness inside him with friendship, joy, and kinship. He joined Dawn's Cradle after competing with them on a contract and losing badly. These days, he's enjoying the life of a lauded hero and 'heart-throb', though his voidsent partner tends to scare off most of his potential dates.

morgan winters
dawn's cradle
she / her
midlander hyur
black mage
ignorance is, indeed, the most terrible sin of all.


A mysterious young woman who keeps her past tightly under wraps - admitting she's an Oracle of Darkness meant to serve as host to Zodiark's Will isn't easy. Light offered her a place of sanctuary in Dawn's Cradle, where she could safely pursue her research; in turn, Morgan supports the free company's activities with her inherited fortune. She wields a recreation of a Zodiac Brave's arm, the Lilith Rod Zeta, which absorbs a fragment of a fallen enemy's power to strengthen itself.

mydia muruc
scions of the seventh dawn
she / her
dalvalan viera
i won't forsake our cause.


Former Valkyrie from Hindarfjall, a destroyed city once within the Dalvalan Grath north of the Tail Mountains. A disaster involving the Calamity and a Primal buried the city under the earth; Mydia was one of few surviving Valkyries who shepherded the displaced citizens to neighboring cities. Mydia, rather than giving up her spear, chose to pursue her order's justice farther afield, fighting evil wherever she went and strengthening her resolve with each battle.
nealie starcaller
no affiliation
she / her
do i really have to? i don't like getting involved.

written in the stars

An Astrologian who prefers solitary travel throughout Dravania rather than spending time in civilization, but can't help but poke her nose where it doesn't belong--getting on the bad side of heretics and knights alike. She has some friends among Dravanians and Elezen outcasts and makes infrequent stops in Idyllshire or Tailfeather to restock her supplies.
qualia valnain
dawn's cradle
he / she / they
veena viera
know this: we will triumph. we will. we must.

sword of the south

Qualia is a Paladin from the Valnain region of Dalmasca, who lived and worked among the various adventuring clans during the reign of King Raminas keeping the outskirts and trade routes safe. As Garlean patrols and outposts became more common, trade dried up, and Garlean soldiers poached their Hunt marks in their expansion. Though it broke their heart to leave their home behind, Qualia had no choice but to leave Valnain and seek out opportunities abroad. They met Light while working with the Eorzean Adventurers' Guild prior to the Calamity and fought together with them at Rivenroad to destroy the Meteor beacon, and the pair have worked closely together for all the years since.

tarak azorya
dawn's cradle
he / him
helion hrothgar
disciple of the hand
even heroes need someone they can lean on.

son of eagles

Tarak is an armorsmith by trade, born in Garlean-occupied Bozja where his family had lived for generations, though factory work took him to the capital. The Bozjan Incident took his mother, and the Calamity and wars abroad took the rest of his family; his depression sank his marriage; and his job was made redundant by innovations in technology; thus, with nothing to his name and no one to miss him, Tarak traveled south, hoping to start a new life somewhere the Garleans couldn't touch.

He met Dawn's Cradle while he was still learning armorcraft - they were his first commissions, in fact - and they were impressed enough with his work that, as they grew as adventurers, they relied on him for armor and weapons alike, forcing him to branch out in disciplines to augment his armorcraft. Qualia hired him on as the company's smithy as soon as he'd obtained his journeyman's license, and though most of their arms are Gerolt-make these days (the exceptions being Jakka, who still uses the axe she brought from home, and Light, whose twin blades are still as sharp as ever), the free company still relies on him for armor.

t'zhel tia
dawn's cradle
he / him
seeker of the sun
i'm just doing my best to help the people i can.

for those we can yet save

T'zhel is a sage, one absolutely dedicated to the preservation of life. When he was fourteen, he and his friends ventured north to Mor Dhona on a dare, where they watched Bahamut's cradle shatter and fall to the earth. Many of T'zhel's friends were killed by the falling pieces, and T'zhel regrets that he didn't know healing magic to save them, and that he himself was only saved by Hydaelyn's gift of foresight. He trained as an arcanist, with little luck, for a while before meeting a traveling Sharlayan who entrusted him with a soul crystal and nouliths and strove to train him herself. Since then, he's grown by leaps and bounds, worthy of standing alongside some of Eorzea's greatest heroes to keep them safe from harm.
yuan xueyi
troupe falsaim
she / her
always be graceful, kind, and strong.

the fourfold feather

A dancer from Nagxia, where she had been a dancer in her aunt's opera company since her childhood; her grace and beauty were well-renowned in her hometown, and she even had a suitor chosen by her family. War in the Calamity's aftermath drove her family to flee to neutral Kugane using their connections, where they would find work at a theater in the arts district. Xueyi was scouted by Troupe Falsaim during one of her performances, and her contract bought out that very day; just days after her final performance she was on a ship bound for distant Radz-at-Han and, eventually, Limsa Lominsa. She now travels with Troupe Falsaim across Hydaelyn's breadth, bringing smiles, laughter, and hope to those burdened by war and strife.

As a dancer, Xueyi is able to use chakrams, spears, sabers, and poles in combat. She favors her spear, whose weight and balance makes it easy for her to wield despite her small stature. Despite her lingering grief over the future she lost, she's hopeful for what her future may have in store.

yako koizumi
scions of the seventh dawn
she / her
seeker of the sun
rog, gnb
don't under-estimate me.

the hero from another world

Yako is a hero from another world, having been drawn to the Source by a ghost who got trapped inside her body in the process. Despite initial struggles to get adjusted, she's taken to adventuring like a fish to water, drawing the attention of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn with her apparent selfless involvement in others' troubles. In truth, she's an egotistical musclehead who craves attention, glory, approval, treasure, adventure, and most of all the thrill of combat - but has come to bear great love for this world in her heart as she fights for its salvation. Saving the world doesn't pay the bills, though...

For Yako's full bio, click here.